We, indeed, rode with my brother's harley group for their father's day ride from kalamazoo (mi) to south haven, about a 50 mile ride, ending at the local american legion for a pancake breakfast. (pictures show my brother, colin and wife, sue, ahead of us, and then, sue, on her harley, next to us at a stop sign).
how many gold wingers (honda) have been escorted by a harley group!! we thoroughly enjoyed meeting them and their friendliness and interest in our adventure.
the weather went from sunny skies at the beginning of the ride to possibly threatening clouds later, so said farewell to colin and sue. then, after breakfast, found our way to my high-school friend's home on lake michigan.

fran and her husband are the only year-round residents in a 49-home-development on the lake. what a view and location. enjoyed a nice dinner with them at the marina and sitting on their boat before calling it a day. a very interesting style of living.

monday morning found us hitting the road again and heading over to rockford, illinois, to a favorite lodge on the rock river. if you want a quaint, hospitable, clean, relaxing spot like none other, let me know! the waters were high but leveling off, to their relief.
we rolled into burnsville tuesday afternoon. our ol' stompin' grounds, you might say. checked into the comfort inn in savage as son jim and family are surrounded by piles of boxes as they prepare to leave next week for west palm beach, florida.
for the first time in many years, there will be no herricks in minnesota!!

(picture above of jim, meshell, lindsey, allison, meghan and carter just before we left minnesota)
for our many friends in the area, we hope you understand about not hearing from us this trip. our two days here are just flying by and we wanted to spend time with jim, meshell and kids as once they move, they will not be just a days drive away. a little sad, but we're happy for them and the new opportunities and adventures ahead of them.
ok. details of the trip. all i know is we've gone about 6,000 miles thus far. we left bella vista three weeks ago today. still have had no rain days and the bike is running fine. and we can both honestly say we are not tired of riding.
we'll head west in the morning. till next time . . .