yeah, it's a daily brain challenge trying to remember what motel room number we have each night. we're staying in comfort inns along the way, so the floor plans are pretty similar, but each time i leave the room i have to remember which way to go, then which room to return to! one observation: there sure are a lot of motorcycles on the road out here! way more that we've seen anywhere else accept in the florida keys.
anyway, the trip is going well - still! we're certainly enjoying the ride and the scenery is a daily surprise. today we logged about 500 miles, leaving sheridan, wy, early this morning and arriving in missoula, mt, mid- afternoon. total miles so far is just about 7,500. today's ride was anything but boring. shortly after entering montana there were snow-peaked mountain tops in the far distance. when i asked paul what they were, he said, "the rockies!" i didn't remember them going as far north as montana. so, guess this trip is educational, too. 
we crossed the continental divide (el. 6,393 ft). it was amazing to watch the sky change in just a short amount of time. patches of clouds at different altitudes can sure create some dimensional artistry.
picture-taking almost got out of hand! i told myself 15-20 pictures of the mountains were enough, then, turning a bend a whole other scene appeared. the mountains are almost mystical as a few seconds later, changing light and perspective creates another photo-worthy sight.
oh, and speaking of pictures - i haven't been able to download any. many of the motel computers have signs requesting no downloads. so, if you are patient, i will get pictures posted later. had a few sprinkles, but paul cranked it up a little and put them behind us. also had some spots of heavy wind while crossing over some of the passes. and inhaled some nasty smelling rubber fumes going down a long, deep slope behind a couple of semis.
we're anticipating pulling out the insulated underwear for tomorrow's ride as it'll only be in the 40's in the morning. hope to get into washington state.
gotta go write some post cards. thanks for looking in on us!