Saturday, May 31, 2008

Coots, what's that?

. . . "i think he means OLD coots," said my husband, paul.

be that as it may, we invite you to join us as we celebrate our 40 year marriage by taking to the roads on our motorcycle.

the plan is to hit the four outer most points of the country: key west, fl; madawaska, me; blaine, wa; and san ysidro, ca, and anything interesting along the way.

just to clarify, we're riding the 2003 honda gold wing. no offense to all our harley friends, but when considering a 10,000-12,000 mile ride, well, we decided to leave the softtail at home this time. call it a comfort issue, on MY part.

i've not done a blog before and the entries will no doubt be sporatic as we don't have a laptop and will rely on computers as we find them along the way.

i know many will wonder why we would decide on such a trip NOW, with the price of gas, and food and everything rising. well, life is short and THAT is why.

if i can upload the first picture, you'll see us just before leaving bella vista. our good neighbors, bill and emily, took time to snap our picture and bill advised us to see all we can, and we intend to take his advice!

our anniversary is actually june 1. we are currently enjoying the weekend with my sister and brother-in-law, pam and jerry in metairie, la.

we will depart here, early monday morning and head to florida, stopping in ocala to visit my mother before heading to key west.

paul had sent out a message requesting no email until he returns home. i, on the otherhand welcome any and all PERSONAL ones, but i ask that you PLEASE HOLD the FORWARDS!!

till next time.

Monday, May 26, 2008

thanks, john!

thanks, john, for the birthday gift of setting up this blog for me. i'll try to make you proud!


Welcome to my new blog!!

As you all know, Paul and I are leaving for our grand motorcycle adventure soon. Check back every so often to track us as we navigate the country, in honor of our 40th wedding anniversary!
